Psychic Readings

A Medium is someone that receives messages from the other side. It’s important to be open to me when receiving a reading. Many people clam up and suddenly forget details of a loved one, but then recall later on. This is normal and expected. Sometimes the dates or names will be off or spot on and even from people that you don’t expect to come through. The best way is to just be open and allow the energy to flow through you. I welcome you to write down certain things that you feel are important or record the session to come back to later. The main thing is to be relaxed and present with me while connecting with spirit. I also encourage you to have a picture of your loved one close by to look at.This will help to draw the energy and to connect with memories that you have of this person. Sometimes having something personal of your loved one on you or that you are holding helps as well.
When booking a reading, make sure you are in a comfortable, quiet place. Be sure to not include any details of your loved ones when reaching out to book a reading with me. Also keep in mind that other people’s loved ones that are around you may come through to say hello and pets too! I always get some pets.
Sudden death readings are a lil challenging at times. Its a 50/50 chance that I can channel the very recently deceased. It is best to wait a few month’s so your loved one has time to go through the healing process of passing on.. However, I am always willing to try and have been successful in the past.This is the only detail that I need when booking a reading. Just let me know that it is very recent as a few days or weeks or a month.
If your loved one died 10 years ago, I don’t need to know that. I just want to be the best of help for those that are grieving a loss especially since the pain is very recent. I’m here to help you.
It does not matter to me how someone died. There is no judgement here at all. Please do not be ashamed or fearful of booking a reading because of the manner in which your loved one died.
Sharing my gift to communicate with spirit is something that is an honor to be of service. Bringing you peace of mind and answering your questions will bring you healing. Love and light always!

The messages pass through a hierarchy of spiritual beings before they get to those that can hear them. I am a channel for those messages. The tarot is a collective of knowledge and wisdom that has been gathered among many lifetimes to give an answer that I can interpret for you. Spirit sees above as below. Tarot cards are symbols of a map of the journey you are on. They uncover the voice in between what you speak, what you think, and what God has planned for you. Everyone has a choice. Everyone can choose a path to take based on many different circumstances and events that could happen. Tarot points to blocks that may be getting in your way. It will tell you the energies around you that will help or hinder. They do not predict the future only possible outcomes. I can help guide you on a path and show you different outcomes depending on which path you choose. This applies to your career, marriage, love, friendship, or just general questions.
When booking a Tarot Card Reading, you have to have questions that you want to ask. For example – “How can I improve my friendship with this person?” or “Show me the path that will help me advance in my career.” It is okay not to know how to formulate the questions since I will listen to what you are asking and structure the question so a clear message is given.